New To Urban Vogue? The magic starts here

You're welcome to enjoy any treatments from our main menu, but for first timers we like to spend a little extra time getting to know you which is why we've created this first time menu for you to choose from.

At Urban Vogue, we use DMK Pharmaceutical Grade skincare. Pharmaceutical grade means less than 0.1% impurities in DMK formulations. Great skin doesn't happen with one product or one treatment, but if your consistent with your routine and realistic about your expectations then with our support and DMK we can work to make a difference.

Please Note: Founder & CEO Sarah's books are closed to new clients.

Skin Discovery

Does achieving healthy skin feel like an impossible mission? Ditch the guesswork and embark on a skin discovery mission with us! Our Skin Discovery Treatment is a deep dive into your unique complexion.

We'll become your skin detectives, using photo analysis to analyse your texture, hydration, and pores. Then, we'll chat about your current routine, concerns, and lifestyle. Think of it as a skin pep talk – we'll uncover what works and ditch what doesn't!

We'll then craft a personalised roadmap to radiant skin. No one-size-fits-all here! We'll recommend products and lifestyle tweaks to get you glowing from within. ✨

Ready to prioritise your skin health?

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Initial Consult + LED

60 mins $100 - includes LED (usually $95 on its own)

This isn't just a consultation, it's a journey of discovery for your skin.

Relax beneath the gentle glow of LED light therapy, soaking up the clinically proven therapeutic light energy to trigger the skin's natural rejuvenation while our experts assess your skin using advanced photo analysis technology. Together, we'll unveil the root of your skin concerns and craft a customised treatment plan that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Forget the pressure of overwhelming product lists. We believe in collaboration. We'll design a program with you that considers your goals to achieve real, lasting results.

This is your chance to prioritise your skin health and feel your absolute best.

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First Time Mini Clinical Facial

45 min $150

This 45 minute “getting to know you” session is a consultation and treatment in one. We take Observ photos of your skin, have a chat about your skin goals and then you can jump straight into the treatment bed and enjoy a a customised treatment in our mini clinical category.

This is the perfect bite size session to start your journey towards healthier, more radiant skin, supported by science and personalised care.

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First Time Luxury Clinical Facial

90 min $210

Embark on a transformative journey to discover your skin's optimum health. This comprehensive session that blends a detailed consultation with a customised luxury treatment, designed to address your unique needs and reveal your skin's natural glow. This facial includes all the benefits of the mini facial with additional time for your initial treatment.

This is an investment in your skin's longevity, not just a temporary indulgence.

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wellness massage lymphatic body work

First Time Move & Release

105 min $250

Experience the revitalising power of lymphatic body work. Combining the invigorating effects of dry brushing with a customised lymphatic drainage massage, this treatment promotes both wellness and a radiant appearance. Treatment includes a specialised stomach massage to support digestive health and overall wellbeing.

This treatment offers a holistic approach to wellbeing, combining relaxation with targeted techniques to optimise your lymphatic health.

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Client Love

  • You guys always do the most amazing job. The attention to detail in everything you do. My massage sent me to another place and the whole treatment (detox) was the perfect way to top off my birthday. Thank you again

  • Amazing! Kayla treated me like a queen and my skin feels so good

    Emma, 60 min Clinical Facial
  • Omg the Enzyme Therapy is the first treatment I really feel like I'm seeing results in my skin. It's incredible. Thank you Alissa for your guidance it has been amazing.

    - Sarah, DMK Enzyme Therapy
  • Add customer reviews and quotes to showcase your store's happy customers.

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What to know before your first visit to Urban Vogue

Do I need to do anything to my skin before I visit?

Depending on the treatment we may have special before and after care, please see all pre and post care information here.

What happens when I come in?

Welcome: You'll be greeted by our beautiful front house team who will then ensure you have filled out all appropriate intake forms.

Consult: At Urban Vogue we perform consultations to ensure we understand your goals and can customise our treatment plan to your needs. We've allowed extra time in our first time session together so that we can get to know you better and make sure your experience with us has the outcome you deserve. Our front house team will prep you for consult either with an observ skin analysis (skin treatments only) ready for your skin expert to assess the results before seeing you.

Change Rooms: The original Urban Vogue experience includes our famous foot soaks and waiting lounge before your treatment.

You'll be guided down to the changing rooms where you can change into a robe ready for your foot soak. You have a private locker for your belongings however we ask you please avoid bringing anything of high value just to be safe.

*Please arrive 10-15 minutes early for this pre-treatment experience.

What if I don't want a consult?

For your health and safety, a consult is required.

We must assess your skin and learn any possible contraindications such as allergies or other medicines before we can treat you with advanced treatments and products we use.

We also consult with body work because we need to know what previous injuries you've had or any long term conditions that may affect how we approach the treatment such as scoliosis, lymphedema etc.